Pan over your favorite rat player to show info :)
Click them to be redirected to their Twitter!
Dizian: Alaskan OG rat OTP born on 9-11 with a massive ego and a shitty Twitch channel, also made this website using my mediocre knowledge
of HTML and CSS esketit
FlameHimself: French Canadian Junkrat of the Council who's on your avoids list
Shompipe: The 4912 (edit by Dizian: 4912 peak Console) peak warlord abusing riptire and finding new junkrat
tech if you hear "get ready for a shock" you might want to look above you, oh wait you're
already dead and now you're on the Shompipe Twitter
Scrux: #1 Rat in Germanistan, 4446 SR peak, hater of snipers,
aerial heroes, Mercies, hamsters, Jigglypuff, british people and pineapple on pizza,
I played one match of Contenders Trials and got fucked by Yzn's Pharah
Kaya: EU player (Denis) also #1 Junk 1v1er
JaminHere: Top 500 British Junkrat OTP, 4612 peak, played since Beta.
Is a massive fucking weeb
Vyrul: Almost beat atlanta reign but never hit t2
NWD: Rank 1 german junk that gets too many egirls
Chro: The Elder Rat
(who's rly humble so imma say he's a cracked out player and plays on legit 72,500 EDPI like holy fuck)